Friday, January 30, 2009

Higher Mathematics

God's mathematics are nothing like ours. You only have to look at Gideon's army or the story of the loaves and fishes to realize that He doesn't think about numbers the way we do. Having said that, I don't think anything is as incomprehensible as the "1 + 1 = 1" mathematics behind a biblical marriage:
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
It's a fairly well known verse, and we quote it readily when talking about marriage; but have you ever considered the implications? When Job loses everything he has, all of his possessions are stolen or destroyed, and his children die. But only when Satan is allowed to attack his body do we hear Job's wife say "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die."

As a man, this is particularly poignant to me; whether I like it or not, discord between me and my wife tears at who I am. For years we've been reading about studies that show how married men live longer than those who are single. Some assert that this is because married men are more likely to take care of their own health. IMHO, that's one reason, but another might be simpler: "It is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18).

I've been thinking hard about this for a bit, and I'm convinced that God wasn't correcting a mistake when He made the need for marriage. I think it was part of the original design specification.

This has significant implications for our view of marriage and divorce, but this post has gone on long enough, and I'll have to save those thoughts for another time.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new year's resolution

Generally speaking, I don't like New Year's resolutions. They seem somehow false to me, so I haven't done them in the past. It's similar to the celebration of Lent, which I gave up (for Lent) before I ever started. But I digress...

Having had a week to cool off over the whole Mark Teixeira free-agency signing, I know understand that there is no way Boston could ever have signed him. He was apparently still upset at the Sox for how Dan Duquette treated him in the draft, and was playing them to get more money from NYY, where he really wanted to go. I'm not surprised that a limbless reptile like Scott Boras would be involved in such a ploy, but I'm disappointed in Tex, whom I'd heard was a stand-up guy.

Knowing this, I hereby make my first-ever New Year's resolution: "I will trust Theo Epstein and John Henry this year."

Repeat it with me, Red Sox Nation. Theo knows more than I do about the business of baseball. When John Henry says we're out of the running on the Teixeira sweepstakes, he knows what he's talking about. They got us a pair of World Series titles, and they can do it again. If not in 2009, then soon.

Given that my tax dollars are helping to fund the Yankees' new stadium, though, I might need another resolution, to be patient. That could be hard.